Vulgar words in Reincarnation - A Study in Human Evolution (Page 1)

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The hidden meaning of the passage from Manu, where we read that "he who slays a Brâhman enters into the body of a dog, a bear, an ass, a camel, &c.," does not apply to the human Ego, but only to the atoms of his body, _i.e._, to the lower triad[90] and its fluidic emanations, as H. P. Blavatsky says, and she adds: "The Hîna-yana, the lowest form of transmigration of the Buddhist, is as little comprehended as the Mahâ-yâna, its highest form, and, because Sâkya Muni--the Buddha--is shown to have once remarked to his Bhikkus--Buddhist monks--while pointing out to them a broom, that it had formerly been a novice who neglected to sweep out the Council room, hence was reborn as a broom,(!)

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"Sons of the teachings of the Albigenses and of the Manichæan-Marcion tradition"[215] they kept alive belief in the rebirths of the soul, "Izarn the Monk," in his book _Historie d' un Hérétique_,[216] apostrophised an Albigensian bishop in the following terms: "Tell me what school it was in which you learnt that the spirit of man, after losing his body, passes into an ox, an ass, a sheep, or a fowl, and transmigrates from one animal to another, until a new human body is born for it?"

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