Vulgar words in Peter Simple (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 159 ~ ~ ~
"'Pon my soul I pity you: you'll be fagged to death; for there's only three midshipmen in the ship now--all the rest ran away.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 231 ~ ~ ~
Death before dishonour, damn me!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 484 ~ ~ ~
"Damn and blast your jealousy," replied the lady; "I've two nice black eyes for the galley to-morrow."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 920 ~ ~ ~
Do it again, damn your eyes, and I'll cut your liver out."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 998 ~ ~ ~
So the jackass proved a very good friend, and, to reward him, I hired him every day, and galloped him all over the island.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,118 ~ ~ ~
"'Then I'll turn Protestant and damn the Pope--take that now, Father McGrath.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,128 ~ ~ ~
The captain allowed me to go, for I told him the whole truth of the matter, and he saw that it was true; so he recommended me to the captain of a jackass frigate, who was in want of midshipmen."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,129 ~ ~ ~
"What do you mean by a jackass frigate?" inquired I.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,239 ~ ~ ~
It is not here as in the Scriptures, 'Do this, and he doeth it,' (by-the-by, that chap must have had his soldiers in tight order); but it is 'Do this, damn your eyes,' and then it is done directly.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,240 ~ ~ ~
The order to _do_ just carries the weight of a cannon shot, but it wants the perpelling power-- the damn is the gunpowder which sets it flying in the execution of its duty.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,309 ~ ~ ~
Before twelve o'clock, three or four gentlemen were ushered into my sitting-room, who observing my arrival in that damn'd _Morning Post_, came to pay their respects; and before the day was over, I was invited and re-invited by a dozen people.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,101 ~ ~ ~
I used to watch them during the night watch, as their fins, above water, skimmed along, leaving a trail of light behind them; and the second night I said to the sentry abaft, as I was looking at them smelling under the counter--'Soldier,' says I, 'them sharks are mustering under the orders of Yellow Jack;' and I no sooner mentioned Yellow Jack, than the sharks gave a frisky plunge, every one of them, as much as to say, 'Yes, so we are, damn your eyes.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,314 ~ ~ ~
It a'n't that I might not stretch now and again, just for fun, as far as he can, but, damn it, he's always on the stretch.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,717 ~ ~ ~
Mark my words, you burgoo-eating, pea-soup-swilling, trowsers-scrubbing son of a bitch!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,974 ~ ~ ~
Damn your eyes, keep them open--can't you?"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,746 ~ ~ ~
I hope I shall not be considered wanting in respect, when I say, that, as a clergyman of the Church of England--" "Damn the Church of England, and those who put me into it!" replied my father, maddened with rage.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,877 ~ ~ ~
Hunger is a call of nature, Peter."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,501 ~ ~ ~
He had fancied himself a jackass, and had brayed for a week, kicking the old nurse in the stomach, so as to double her up like a hedgehog.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,211 ~ ~ ~
I have twenty thousand pounds jammed together in the consolidated, besides the Spice Islands, which will be a pretty penny; and every farthing of it shall go to right you, Peter, and make a lord of you, as I promised you often that you should be; and if you win you shall pay, and if you don't, then damn the luck and damn the money too.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,393 ~ ~ ~
"Allow me to observe--in the most delicate manner in the world--just to hint, that you are a damned trencher-scraping, napkin-carrying, shilling-seeking, up-and-down-stairs son of a bitch--and take this for your impudence!"