Vulgar words in The Golden Dream - Adventures in the Far West (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 336 ~ ~ ~
If I had read it in a tale, now, or a romance, I would not have been surprised, for authors are such blockheads, generally, that they always make things of this kind fit in with the exactness of a dove-tail; but that it should _really_ come to pass in my own experience, is quite incomprehensible.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,144 ~ ~ ~
He was anxious, at the time he procured the pills, to relieve a poor miner who seemed to be knocked up with hard work, but who insisted that he had a complication of ailments; so Ned bought the pills for twenty times their value, and gave a few to the man, advising him, at the same time, to rest and feed well, which he did, and the result was a complete cure.