Vulgar words in Yr Ynys Unyg - The Lonely Island (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 346 ~ ~ ~
_Capt._ (half hesitating).--"That is true, Madam, but I am such an ass, I cannot hide the impulse of the moment."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,199 ~ ~ ~
In the day-time we were very busy; I was inventing a spinning wheel; Schillie and the girls concocting chessmen; the boys knocking up shelves, seats, and boxes; the maids labouring through a perfect haycock of rent clothes and damaged stockings; somebody always singing, and sometimes that somebody was everybody.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,900 ~ ~ ~
I can only account for their not hearing us by the fact that they were completely knocked up with the heat and work of the day, and had no idea there were any more people on the island; and, as the boat was on shore, their prisoners could not escape by themselves; so that in all security they sleep profoundly.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,859 ~ ~ ~
I dare say they think such an ass of a woman will be more likely to do us harm than good by her presence.