Vulgar words in The Ultimate Weapon (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 50 ~ ~ ~
"Like all the other damn fools who come out two billion miles to scratch rock, as if there weren't enough already on the inner planets.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 681 ~ ~ ~
It damn near wore out the bearings turning so fast."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 974 ~ ~ ~
"No, damn it, and it should."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,029 ~ ~ ~
And they're so damn tight it seems a crime not to make 'em pay up when they have to."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,384 ~ ~ ~
"I'd heard you were a pessimistic cuss when battle started--" "Pessimistic, hell, I'm merely counting things up."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,002 ~ ~ ~
Somewhere, by the laws of cause and effect, this power _must_ show itself again--despite what the damn math says."