Vulgar words in Between the Lines - Secret Service Stories Told Fifty Years After (Page 1)
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B. McWilliams--My watch gone to the mermaids--The ignorance of "poor white trash" 121 FILE XVI Captain Bailey makes a capture--Sinclair introduces me (as Shaffer) to Mr. Pyle 132 FILE XVII A Confederate letter 136 FILE XVIII Confederate army invades Maryland in 1864--General Wallace's masterly defence of Washington--Trip outside our pickets--Confederate General Bradley Johnson and Colonel Harry Gilmor--The Ishmael Day episode-- Uncle Zoe--Arrest of Judge Richard Grason--Report on certain "Disloyals" 138 FILE XIX Trip to New York regarding one Thomas H. Gordon 149 FILE XX Thomas Bennett, a U. S. mail carrier, disloyal--Samuel Miles, a prominent Baltimore merchant, a blockade runner--A laughable letter about an overdraft of whiskey--Dr. E. Powell, of Richmond 151 FILE XXI Terrence R. Quinn 155 FILE XXII The Great Fraud attempted in the Presidential Election of 1864, wherein the misplacing of a single letter led to its detection and may be said to have saved our Nation from disruption--Involving Governor Seymour and Adjutant General Andrews--Arrest of Ferry, Donohue and Newcomb, one of the most successful kidnappings on record 159 FILE XXIII John Deegan, a forger, captured--A report that led to a historic raid by Colonel Baker on the Bounty Jumpers and Bounty Brokers of New York 175 FILE XXIV General Wallace's letter to Secretary of War, Charles A. Dana (afterwards editor of the New York "Sun") asking for an extension of territory for my work, incidentally introducing Colonel John S. Mosby, giving a list of his men and their home addresses--A train robbery, paymasters robbed--I recapture part of the money--Commissions in promotion declined 184 FILE XXV Capture of Confederate bonds and scrip--Arrest of Pittman, Brewer and Fowler; Lieut.
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He said he had invested a portion of his money in Confederate bonds, and only wished he had a chance to invest more in them, as the greenbacks, or Yankee shinplasters were not worth a damn.
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B. McWilliams--My watch gone to the mermaids--The ignorance of "poor white trash."
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Many of the crews on such vessels were of the class called by the negroes "poor white trash," and they were ignorant beyond belief; to test which I once pointed out land to the east as being Ireland, to which they assented.