Vulgar words in The Red Romance Book (Page 1)
This book at a glance
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CONTENTS PAGE _How William of Palermo was carried off by the Werwolf_ 1 _The Disenchantment of the Werwolf_ 13 _The Slaying of Hallgerda's Husbands_ 28 _The Death of Gunnar_ 45 _Njal's Burning_ 71 _The Lady of Solace_ 84 _Una and the Lion_ 93 _How the Red Cross Knight slew the Dragon_ 105 _Amys and Amyle_ 128 _The Tale of the Cid_ 141 _The Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance_ 165 _The Adventure of the Two Armies who turned out to be Flocks of Sheep_ 177 _The Adventure of the Boiling Lights_ 190 _The Helmet of Mambrino_ 194 _How Don Quixote was Enchanted while guarding the Castle_ 202 _Don Quixote's Home-coming_ 209 _The Meeting of Huon and Oberon, King of the Fairies_ 213 _How Oberon saved Huon_ 221 _Havelok and Goldborough_ 234 _Cupid and Psyche_ 251 _Sir Bevis the Strong_ 267 _Ogier the Dane_ 287 _How the Ass became a Man again_ 298 _Guy of Warwick_ 309 _How Bradamante conquered the Wizard_ 320 _The Ring of Bradamante_ 331 _The Fulfilling of the Prophecy_ 341 _The Knight of the Sun_ 351 _How the Knight of the Sun rescued his Father_ 360 _ILLUSTRATIONS_ _COLOURED PLATES_ _How Gunnar met Hallgerda_ _Frontispiece_ _The Werwolf carries Prince William away_ _To face p._ 2 _The Lady of Solace_ " 86 _At the sight of the Lion she flung down the pitcher_ " 102 _The End of the Dragon_ " 124 _Softly she rose to her feet and stole out of the wood_ " 134 _Aphrodite finds Psyche's Task accomplished_ " 264 _How the Fairies came to see Ogier the Dane_ " 288 _PLATES_ _The Lovers meet by plan of Alexandrine_ _To face p._ 8 _The Bearskin--Am not I a bold Beast?_ " 14 _The Fury of the Werwolf_ " 24 _How Thorwald was slain by Thiostolf_ " 32 _Thiostolf decides to slay Glum_ " 40 _Otkell and Gunnar in the Field_ " 58 _Gunnar's last Fight and Hallgerda's Revenge_ " 66 _How Kari escaped from Njal's House_ " 78 _The Lady of Solace helps the Fallen Knight_ " 88 _The Red Cross Knight enters the Monster's Cave_ " 96 _Una saved by the Wood-Folk_ " 106 _Arthur fights the Seven-Headed Serpent_ " 112 _In the Cave of Despair_ " 120 _Rodrigo brings home the head of Gomez_ " 142 _Don Diego and Don Fernan show that they are cowards_ " 154 _Don Quixada declared that he would give his Housekeeper and his Niece into the bargain for the pleasure of bestowing one kick on Ganelon the traitor_ " 166 _Don Quixote determines to attack the Windmills_ " 180 _How the Galley Slaves repaid Don Quixote_ " 198 _The Meeting of Huon and Oberon_ " 216 _Round the Bag which held the Boy a brilliant Light was shining_ " 236 _Zephyr carries Psyche down from the Mountain_ " 254 _Little Bevis avenges his Father_ " 268 _Strong Sir Bevis keeps the Two Dragons at Bay_ " 278 _Bradamante defeats the Wizard with the Ring_ " 326 _Roger borne away from Bradamante_ " 332 _The Two Damsels rescue Roger from the Rabble_ " 336 _The Giant's Daughter reproaches the Two Brothers_ " 360 _The Knight of the Sun fights the Serpent_ " 366 _ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT._ PAGE _The Emperor carries William away_ 5 _The Werwolf's Visit to the Cave_ 19 _Hauskuld's Pride in Hallgerda_ 29 _How Gunnar slew Thorgeir, Otkell's Son_ 63 _Sudden Departure of Una's Parents_ 94 _In Archimago's Cell: the Evil Dream_ 100 _The Two Cups_ 132 _Sir Amyle arrives in time to save the Ladies_ 139 _Don Quixote belabours the Muleteer_ 175 _Don Quixote's Battle with the Wine-skins_ 203 _Huon defeats the Giant Agrapart_ 227 _Havelok presents Goldborough to the English People_ 247 _Aphrodite brings Cupid to Psyche_ 252 _Joyfully the Eagle bore back the Urn_ 265 _Ogier the Dane meets Morgane le Fay at last_ 293 _Apuleius changes into an Ass_ 302 _HOW WILLIAM OF PALERMO WAS CARRIED OFF BY THE WERWOLF_ Many hundreds of years ago there lived in the beautiful city of Palermo a little prince who was thought, not only by his parents but by everyone who saw him, to be the handsomest child in the whole world.
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Hrut, too, saw, and sprang quickly aside, knocking up as he did so the handle of the axe, so that it fell full on the ground.
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Then all at once she remembered a certain Red Cross Knight whose fame had spread even to her distant land, and, ordering her white ass to be saddled, she set forth in quest of him.
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Then, mounting her milk-white ass, she set out to follow them.
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'Master Quixada!' cried he, wiping off the blood as he spoke, 'what villain has served you like this?' but, as Don Quixote only replied to his questions with long stories of the heroes of romance, the man gave it up, and after gathering up the stray bits of armour, and even the broken lance, helped the Don on to his own ass and took Rozinante by the bridle.
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'Worshipful knight,' answered Sancho Panza, 'I will do all that you bid me, but, by your leave, I will bring my ass also, for she is a good ass, and never did I walk when a beast was at hand.'
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'I know not,' replied Don Quixote, 'if any knight was ever yet followed by a squire mounted on an ass's back.
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'But what shall I do with my ass?' inquired the squire anxiously, 'for I suppose that until this day no man has ever yet ridden into combat on an ass.'
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'Then, if you repent you of the wrong that you have done me,' said the man, 'I pray you, worshipful knight, to deliver my leg from the bondage of this ass, who has my leg fastened between the stirrup and the saddle.'
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'And what,' inquired Sancho, 'shall we do with the grey horse that looks so like an ass?
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'That he be laid on an ass and burned at the stake,' cried they.
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[Illustration: APULEIUS CHANGES INTO AN ASS] 'Come hither, and quickly,' she said; and without stopping to question her Apuleius hastened by her side to the dwelling of the witch Pamphile.
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Apuleius had been changed, not into a nightingale, but into an ass!
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'I do not want to be an ass at all; my arms and back are aching already, and if I am not swiftly restored to my own shape I shall not be able to overthrow the champion in the wrestling match to-morrow.'
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[Apuleius, _The Golden Ass_.]