Vulgar words in The Reckoning (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 374 ~ ~ ~
"You villain, have you been making love to Elsin Grey, that she should come babbling of Mr. Renault, Mr. Renault, Mr. Renault ere I had set foot in my own hallway?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 476 ~ ~ ~
That set them into fits of laughter, Sir Peter begging me to pause in my mad career and consider the chief end of man, and Tully O'Neil generously promising moral advice and the spiritual support of Rosamund Barry, which immediately diverted attention from me to a lightning duel of words between Rosamund and O'Neil--parry and thrust, innuendo and eloquent silence, until Lady Coleville in pantomime knocked up the crossed blades of wit, and Sir Peter vowed that this was no place for an innocent married man.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,003 ~ ~ ~
For Sir Henry Clinton I do not care a damn; like a headless chicken he tumbles about New York, seeing, hearing nothing, and no mouth left to squawk with.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,178 ~ ~ ~
Some vague idea of finding something that might aid me--some scrap of evidence I might chance on to kindle hope with--some neglected trifle to damn him and proclaim this monstrous marriage void--it was this instinct that led me into a house abhorred.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,269 ~ ~ ~
"Dog of bastard nation!" she panted; "look me between the eyes and strike!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,352 ~ ~ ~
Yet he managed to make love to Sir Frederick's kinswoman--a child--as I was when he took me----" She closed her eyes.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,735 ~ ~ ~
Then a Injun he hit the darter, and he kep' a-kickin' an' a-hittin', an' old man Norris he heard the rumpus out to the barn, an' he run in, an' they pushed him out damn quick an' shot him in the legs.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,061 ~ ~ ~
"The impudent son of a slut!" he muttered to himself, coolly reloading.