Vulgar words in Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting - New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924 (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 138 ~ ~ ~
Nut Journal on former Treasurer's account 3.00 Expenses: Postage, Express and Insurance $ 9.79 Government Envelopes and Stamps 15.63 Adhesive Stamps 8.54 Postal Cards 1.25 Postal Cards and Printing 3.25 Registry Fee and Money Order Fee .18 Telegrams 1.18 Reporting Proceedings of Rochester Convention 50.00 Transcript of Proceedings of Rochester Convention 85.00 Reporting, etc., Proceedings of Washington Convention 60.00 Blank Account Book for the Association 5.00 Seal for the Association 7.00 1000 Letterheads 8.50 1500 Letters 8.50 500 Letters, double sheet 8.00 1500 Circulars 6.50 500 Reports, (92 pp., including cover) 184.00 500 Manila Envelopes 2.00 Printing 1.50 Addressing and Mailing 2.50 ------ $468.32 ------- $646.99 Respectfully submitted, H. J. HILLIARD, Treas., Northern Nut Growers Ass'n, Inc. * * * * * THE PRESIDENT: We will now be addressed by Dr. Britton, Director of the Botanical Gardens in which we are assembled.