Vulgar words in In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 365 ~ ~ ~
Yes, I did knock a woman down and tear her dress and look like an ass and set the whole room laughing at me, women and all--the best-bred and sweetest of them!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,395 ~ ~ ~
damn a Democrat anyhow, Tom, 'tain't in the nature of things that they should be anything but thieves and rascals.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,876 ~ ~ ~
"Damn him," he said in a sudden outburst; "damn him."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,963 ~ ~ ~
There were a few months when the young mill hand who brought disaster upon her, made love to her, and hung about her small home, sometimes leaning upon the rickety gate to talk and laugh with her, sometimes loitering with her in the streets or taking her to cheap picnics or on rather rowdy excursions.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,913 ~ ~ ~
Until they were married--which usually happened very early--they were always being made love to and knew that this was what God had made them for--that they should dance a great deal, that they should have many flowers and bonbons laid at their small feet, that beautiful youths with sentimental tenor voices should serenade them with guitars on moonlight nights, which last charming thing led them to congratulate themselves on having been born in the South, as such romantic incidents were not a feature of life in New York and Boston.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,915 ~ ~ ~
As it was the portion of their fair companions to be made love to, it was theirs to make love.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,019 ~ ~ ~
"They didn't, damn them!" said Rupert, with sudden passion.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,746 ~ ~ ~
They don't know anything about the other man, and they don't care a damn.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,985 ~ ~ ~
The further from romance the world drifts, the fairer it becomes in its fagged eyes.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,613 ~ ~ ~
"Yes, damn it all," cried Dr. Atkinson, but melted the next moment.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,075 ~ ~ ~
Latimer had been besieged on all sides, and, after a hard day, had come home fagged and worn.