Vulgar words in The Ghost Girl (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 260 ~ ~ ~
"Companies, you see, don't grow sunflowers to look at, don't grow trees to shade them, don't make love in a wild and extravagant manner and shoot other companies for crossing them in their affections--don't play the guitar, in short.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 707 ~ ~ ~
"Damn it!" he cried.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 752 ~ ~ ~
This immature wine merchant at a party given by Mrs. Hennessey had made love to Phyl and had tried to kiss her behind the dining-room door.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,086 ~ ~ ~
Keepsakes and Books of Beauty lay on the centre table, a gilt clock beneath a glass shade marked the moment when it had ceased to keep time over twenty-five years ago, the antimacassars on the armchairs were not a line out of position; not a speck of dust lay anywhere, and the Dresden shepherds and shepherdesses simpered and made love in the same old fashion, preserving unaltered the sentiment of spring, the suggestion of Love, lambs, and the song of birds.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,162 ~ ~ ~
Miss Pinckney said he had gone off "somewhere or another" and grumbled at him for going off leaving his breakfast not quite finished, she said that he was always "scatter braining about" either at the yacht club or somewhere else.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,824 ~ ~ ~
"If you please, sah," said Seth, "Rachel tole me tell yo' de train for N'York--" "Damn New York," said Pinckney.