Vulgar words in The Fifth Queen Crowned (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 597 ~ ~ ~
At that date the Lady Mary was still called a bastard, though most men thought that that hardship would soon be reversed.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 804 ~ ~ ~
'See you, Moll,' the King broke in on her eagerly, 'if you will marry the Infant of Spain----' 'God's sakes,' she said lightly, 'my cousin's son will wed no bastard as I be.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 843 ~ ~ ~
You will have me no longer called bastard?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 844 ~ ~ ~
Why, I had rather be called bastard than the acknowledged child of such a royal King.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,229 ~ ~ ~
'And is it not a shameful thing you bid me do, to bid me speak pleasant words to him that slew my mother and called me bastard?'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,258 ~ ~ ~
'And oh,' she said, her face being set and earnest in entreaty towards the girl's back, 'if you have any love for the green and fertile land that gave birth both to you and to me----' 'But to me a bastard,' the Lady Mary said.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,751 ~ ~ ~
It was he that had brought her to Court, upon an ass, at Greenwich, when her mule--as all men knew--had stumbled upon the threshold.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,485 ~ ~ ~
'Up, bastard!' he called out.