Vulgar words in Malcolm Sage, Detective (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 741 ~ ~ ~
The other he dismissed as a pompous ass.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 757 ~ ~ ~
Oh, the damn scoundrels!" he burst out as he jumped from his chair and began pacing up and down the room.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 800 ~ ~ ~
This thing has been going on for two years now, and those damn fools at Scotland Yard----" "If it were not for Scotland Yard," said Malcolm Sage quietly, as he proceeded to shingle the roof of the church, the graveyard having proved a failure, "we should probably have to sleep at night with pistols under our pillows."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,124 ~ ~ ~
"Damn funny, I call it.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,756 ~ ~ ~
That "look" would cause Thompson to swear earnestly under his breath for the rest of the day, whilst on Gladys Norman it had several distinct effects, the biting of her lower lips, the snubbing of Thompson, the merciless banging of her typewriter, and a self-administered rebuke of "Gladys Norman, you're a silly little ass," being the most noticeable.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,830 ~ ~ ~
"In romance, the knight kills the villain for making love to the heroine, and then gets down to the same dirty work himself.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,897 ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,951 ~ ~ ~
"You see, Sage," Freynes had remarked, "I'm sure the boy is straight and incapable of such conduct; but it's impossible to talk to that ass Murdy.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,495 ~ ~ ~
The look with which Alf Pond concluded this itinerary plainly demanded if there were any more damn silly questions coming.