Vulgar words in Home Life in Germany (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 609 ~ ~ ~
They will have been told that these are the "corps" students, and the sight of them so jolly and so idle will confirm their mental picture of the German student, the picture of a young man who does nothing but drink beer, fight duels, sing _Volkslieder_ and _Trinklieder_, and make love to pretty low-born maidens.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 632 ~ ~ ~
The duellists are placed opposite each other, and the seconds, who also have swords in their hands, stand one on each side, ready to interfere and knock up the combatant's sword.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,481 ~ ~ ~
The middle-class women of Berlin have an extraordinary affection all through the summer season for collarless blouses, bastard tartans, and white cotton gloves with thumbs but no fingers.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,373 ~ ~ ~
When you are all dragooned and drilled an ass comes off as well as anyone else.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,377 ~ ~ ~
"An ass is an ass wherever he lives," says someone at last; and everyone is delighted to have a proposition put forward to which he can honestly agree.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,470 ~ ~ ~
All the characters of many a German opera are there correctly dressed, joining in the songs and dances, shooting for wagers, making love, sometimes coming to blows.