Vulgar words in The Letters of Queen Victoria : A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence between the Years 1837 and 1861 - Volume 3, 1854-1861 (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,445 ~ ~ ~
I am a good deal worried and knocked up by all that has passed; my nerves, which have suffered very severely this last year, have not been improved by what has passed during this trying fortnight--for it _will_ be a _fortnight_ to-morrow that the beginning of the mischief began.... _Six o'clock p.m._--One word to say that _Lord Palmerston_ has just _kissed_ hands as _Prime_ Minister.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,765 ~ ~ ~
We are well fagged and worked and worried; we return to Town to-morrow afternoon.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,688 ~ ~ ~
How the Queen will be able to go through all the fatigues of the Coronation I do not know, as Her Majesty already complained of being tired, and knocked up by the man[oe]vres and dinners, and had to go to Mentz for a few days to rest herself.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,713 ~ ~ ~
MY BELOVED MAMMA,--Last night I could not write to you as I would have wished, because I felt so knocked up that I went to bed.