Vulgar words in The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 687 ~ ~ ~
Master James Boner.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 999 ~ ~ ~
And findeth that first in generall: In the confession of Faith we professe, _We willingly agree in our consciences to the forme of Religion, of a long time openly professed by the Kings Majestie, and Whole body of this Realme in all points, as unto Gods undoubted truth and verity, grounded only upon his written word, and therefore abhor and deteste all contrary Religion and Doctrine, but chiefly, all kinde of papistrie in generall and partrcular heads, even as they were then damned and confuted by the Word of God and Kirk of_ Scotland, _and in speciall the Romane Antichrist his five bastard sacraments, with all rites, ceremonies and false doctrine, added to the ministration of the true Sacraments, without the word of God, his cruell judgement against Infants departing without the Sacrament, his absolute necessitie of baptisme, and finally, we deteste all his vain allegories, rites, signes, and traditions brought into the Kirk without, or against the word of God, and doctrine of this true reformed Kirk, to the which we joyne our selves willingly in Doctrine, Faith, Religion, Discipline, and use of the holy Sacraments, as lively members of the same in Christ our Head; promising and swearing, &c._ And that these five articles are contrarie to the Religion then professed, were confuted by the word of God, and Kirk of _Scotland_, or are rites, and ceremonies, added to the ministration, of the true Sacraments, without the word God, or nourish the popish judgement against Infants departing without the Sacrament, or absolute necessitie, of Baptisme or rites, signes, and traditions brought in to the Kirk, with out or against the word of God, and doctrine of this true reformed Kirk.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,026 ~ ~ ~
Concerning _Confirmation_; The Assembly findeth it to be comprehended in the clause of the Confession, where the _five bastard Sacraments_ are condemned.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,069 ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,141 ~ ~ ~
Therefore the Assembly finding it necessary to appoint a new Commission, By these presents, nominates and appoints Mr _Andrew Ramsay_, Mr _Alexander Henderson_, Mr _Robert Douglas_, Mr _William Colvil_, Mr _William Bennet_, Mr _George Gillespie_, Mr _John Adamson_, Mr _John Sharpe_, Mr _James Sharpe_, Mr _William Dalgleish_, Mr _David Calderwood_, Mr _Andrew Blackhall_, Mr _James Fleeming_, Mr _Robert Ker_, Mr _John Macghie_, Mr _Oliver Colt_, Mr _Hugh Campbell_, Mr _Adam Penman_, Mr _Richard Dickson_, Mr _Andrew Stevinson_, Mr _John Lauder_, Mr _Robert Blair_, Mr _Samuel Rutherfoord_, Mr _Arthur Morton_, Mr _Robert Traill_, Mr _Frederick Carmichell_, Mr _Mungo Law_, Mr _John Smith_, Mr _Patrick Gillespie_, Mr _John Duncan_, Mr _John Hume_, Mr _Robert Knox_, Mr _William Jameson_, Mr _Robert Mura_, Mr _Henry Guthrie_, Mr _James Hamilton_, Mr _Bernard Sanderson_, Mr _John Leviston_, Mr _James Boner_, Mr _Evan Cameron_, Mr _David Dickson_, Mr _Robert Bailzie_, Mr _James Cunninghame_, Mr _George Youngh_, Mr _Andrew Auchinleck_, Mr _David Lindsay_, Mr _Andrew Cant_, Mr _John Oiswald_, Mr _William Douglas_, Mr _Murdoc Mackenzie_, Mr _Coline Mackenzie_, Mr _John Monroe_, Mr _Walter Stuart_, Ministers: Marquesse of _Argyle_, Earle _Marshell_, Earle of _Sutherland_, Earle of _Eglintoun_, Earle of _Cassils_, Earle of _Dumsermling_, Earle of _Lawderdail_, Earle of _Lindsay_, Earle of _Queensberrie_, Earle of _Dalhouse_, Lord _Angus_, Vicount of _Dudhope_, Lord _Maitland_, Lord _Elcho_ Lord _Balmarinoch_, Lord _Cowper_, Sir _Patrick Hepburne_ of Wauchtoun, Sir _Archbald Johnstoun_ of Waristoun, Sir _David Hume_ of Wedderborne, Sir _Alexander Areskine_ of Duns, Sir _William Cockburne_ of Langtoun, Sir _Thomas Ruthven_ of Frieland, Sir _James Arnos_ of Fernie, Sir _Walter Riddell_ of that Ilk., Sir _Lodonick Houstoun_ of that Ilk, Sir _William Carmichael_ Fiar of that Ilk, Laird of _Bonjedburgh_, Laird of _Libbertoun_, Laird of _Brodie_, Sir _John Smith_, _James Dennistoun_, Master _Barclay, John Rutherfoord_, _William Glendinning, John Sempill, John Kennedie_, Master _Alexander Douglas_, To meet at Edinburgh the 21. day of August next, and upon any other day thereafter, and in any other place they shall think good.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,948 ~ ~ ~