Vulgar words in The Prince of Parthia - A Tragedy (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 423 ~ ~ ~
why did ye give me such a soul (A soul, which ev'ry way is form'd for Empire), And damn me with a younger Brother's right?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 603 ~ ~ ~
Now am I rack'd with pains that far exceed Those agonies, which fabling Priests relate, The damn'd endure: The shock of hopeless Love, Unblest with any views to sooth ambition, Rob me of all my reas'ning faculties.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 606 ~ ~ ~
My noble Prince, Would it not be a master-piece, indeed, To make this very bliss their greatest ill, And damn them in the very folds of joy?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,024 ~ ~ ~
Then told A tale, so fill'd with bloody circumstance, Of this damn'd deed, that stiffen'd me with horror.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,172 ~ ~ ~
No; I will ever wear this form, thus e'er Appear before thee; glare upon thee thus, 'Til desperation, join'd to thy damn'd crime, Shall wind thee to the utmost height of frenzy.