Vulgar words in Soldiers of the Queen (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,549 ~ ~ ~
"Why, the Fifth Form Literary Society, you blockhead!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,566 ~ ~ ~
He thinks he's an orator--great ass!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,616 ~ ~ ~
Tinkleby and his comrades were designated a set of rowdy jackasses; and they replied to the compliment by declaring that a fraternity of live donkeys was better than a collection of stuffed owls, and advising Heningson to patent his discourse as an infallible cure for insomnia.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,898 ~ ~ ~
We shall have to knock up old Mullins at the lodge."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,141 ~ ~ ~
He fell foul of Joe Crouch (who still came to do odd jobs in the garden) over some trifling matter, calling him an impudent blockhead, and telling Miss Fenleigh in a lofty manner that "he would never allow such a cheeky beggar to be hanging about the premises at Grenford."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,869 ~ ~ ~
I knew a fellow at Melchester, called Fosberton, an awful young ass.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,960 ~ ~ ~
As they did so, however, the dropping shots of the enemy rapidly increased to a sharp fusilade; bullets whizzed overhead, or knocked up little spurts of sand and dust within the zareba; and the defenders were glad enough to once more seek the shelter of the low wall and parapet of earth.