Vulgar words in Faro Nell and Her Friends - Wolfville Stories (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 545 ~ ~ ~
It has the effect of bringin' out the old Spartan with his Hawkins; an' the first word of it that reaches me an' Sarah Ann is him, Marm Bender an' the whole b'ilin' of folks is down thar on the bank, tryin' to make out in the gen'ral dimness whatever be we-all lovers doin' out thar in the middle of the Hawgthief on a snag.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,012 ~ ~ ~
It's inside his rights, too, accordin' to the rooles, for him to cuss out the hold-ups, an' call 'em all the hard names of which he's cap'ble; an' stage drivers, who loves their art, spends their time between drinks practisin' new cuss words, an' inventin' onheard of epithets, so as to be ready when dooty an' o'casion calls.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,445 ~ ~ ~
Even what he calls his science turns finally out with him to be but the accepted ignorance of to-day; an' he puts in every to-morrow of his existence provin' what a onbounded jackass rabbit he's been the day before.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,761 ~ ~ ~
He won't find this outfit so easy as them Red Dog boneheads.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,912 ~ ~ ~
"To be shore, that crack about buckshot ain't nothin' more'n vain hyperbole, Rucker not possessin' the spunk of bull-snakes.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,920 ~ ~ ~
Two hookers of Old Jordan from Black Jack renders him so plumb well he's reedic'lous.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,660 ~ ~ ~
One of 'em even goes the insultin' len'th of offerin' to split the expense, but withdraws his bluff when Texas threatens to brain him with a six-shooter.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,761 ~ ~ ~
"'Mother Shrewsbury,' retorts Peets, 'is nothin' but a patent med'cine outfit, which feeds an' fattens on sech boneheads as you.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,800 ~ ~ ~
"'Accordin' to the Doc yere,' says Enright, as Peets ladles the invalid out a hooker of Old Jordan, 'that laig'll be so you can ride ag'in in a month.