Vulgar words in The Sexual Question - A Scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological study (Page 1)
This book at a glance
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,401 ~ ~ ~
The proxenets (pimps) exploit both the sexual appetites of men and the weakness and venality of women.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,930 ~ ~ ~
Assured of impunity the pimps and their acolytes become more and more audacious and extend their business, while the prostitutes, whose number is increased by this system, seek to escape the police and practice their trade clandestinely.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,961 ~ ~ ~
The pimps of proxenetism are recruited from the dregs of society.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,969 ~ ~ ~
Under the régime of regulation, an infected person could logically claim damages from the State, or, at any rate from the pimps of licensed proxenetism.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,026 ~ ~ ~
Bordenave, the manager, had good reason in wishing his theater to be called a brothel, as he was more of a pimp than a theatrical manager.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,126 ~ ~ ~
In the community of pimps, criminals and decadents in general, is constituted a special social outlook, which regards the greatest scamp in the light of a hero.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 8,065 ~ ~ ~
INDEX INDEX Abolitionism, 316 Abortion, artificial, 408, 440 Abstinence, sexual, 114 Accouchement, 60 Adornment, 156 Adultery, 373, 412 Alcohol, effect on embryo, 37, 268, 462 effect on sexual appetite, 88, 100, 266, 332, 503 Altruism and Egoism, 448 Amorous Intoxication, 277, 288 Americanism, 331 Anæsthesia, sexual, 222 Anthropoid apes, 145, 195 Anticonceptional measures, 423, 497 Antipathy, 108 _Antony and Cleopatra_, 289 Ants, 194, 359 Art, moral effect of, 496 in sexual life, 489 of loving long, 520 and pornography, 491 Aspermia, 209 Assaults on minors, 403 Atavism, 29 Attraction, methods of, 156 Audacity, masculine, 115 Bachelors, old, 127 Bartholin's glands, 57 Beauty, 162 _Becket_, 352 Bees, 194 _Bernheim_, 277 Bestiality, 255 _Bezzola_, 268 Birth, 23 Blastophthoria, 36, 268 Braggardism, sexual, 120 Brain, weight of, 66, 190 _Brieux_, 407, 438 Brothels, 303 clandestine, 307 high class, 310 Budding, 9 Bullies, 303 Butterflies, 74 _Caelius Aurelianus_, 399 _Caligula_, 353 Castration, 25 _Catherine de Medici_, 353 Catholicism, Roman, 341 Cell division, 6 Celibacy, 153 Children and marriage, 377 civil rights of, 378 education of, 471 protection of, 487 _Chiniqui_, 342 _Chauvin, de_, 36 Civil law, 368 Civil marriage, 370 Climate and sexual life, 327 Clitoris, 55 Coeducation, 481 Coitus, 56 Commandments, 454 Conception, regulation of, 423 Concubinage, 322, 406 Confession, Roman Catholic, 342 Conjugation, 11 Consanguinity, 47 Constellations, 110 Continence, 81, 220, 422 Coquetry, 139 Corpus cavernosum, 53 luteum, 19 _Correggio_, 355 Correlative sexual characters, 25, 64 Council of Trent, 172 Cunnilingus, 230, 275 _Darwin_, 32, 34, 39, 480 _Debreyne_, 345 Decidua, 19 _Demosthenes_, 187 Divorce, 373 Domestic animals and plants, 514 _Dubois_, 46 Duty, 106 Ecphoria, 15 Ecstasy, 143 ecstasy and religion, 356 Education, 470, 516 Egoism, 361 dual, 113 Egoistic love, 125 Embryo, formation of, 9 rights of, 411 Embryology, 19 Endogamy, 164 Engram, 15 Environment and sexual life, 326 Epididymis, 52 Epispadias, 210 Erection, 53 Eroticism, 121, 485 and religion, 354 Erotomania, 258 Ethnology of sexual life, 144 Eunuchs, 25, 347 Evolution, 39 sexual, 192 Exhibitionism, 241, 405 Exogamy, 164 Expiation, 364 Factory life, 326 Fakirs, 239 Fertilization of eggs, 12 Fetichism, 142, 240 _Fischer_, 36 Flirtation, 99 Free love, 384 Free will, 365 Genital organs, female, 55 organs, male, 52 Germinal cells, 10 _Goethe_, 73, 131 Gonorrhea, 212 Grisettes, 98, 322 Guardianship, 384 _Guillaume_, 399 _Haeckel_, 10, 34, 40 "Hand-fasting," 150 Heredity, 14, 28 of acquired characters, 34 _Hering_, 14, 35 Hermaphrodites, 10 _Hertwig_, 11 Hetaira, 187, 323 _Hirschfeld_, 242 History, mental anomalies in, 350 Homophony, 16 Homosexual love, 241, 251 Hottentots, 347 Human selection, 412, 509 Hybridity, 47, 163 Hymen, 55 Hyperæsthesia, sexual, 225 Hypnotism, 277 Hypochondriasis, 232, 261 Hypocrisy, sexual, 123 Hypospadias, 210 Ideal Marriage, 517 Idealism, 132 Idiots, 410 moral, 261 Imaginary love, 263 Impotence, 85, 219 Incest, 402 Insane, sexual anomalies in, 256 Internats, 338 Inversion, sexual, 241, 251 Inverts, marriage of, 378 Irradiations of love, 115, 128 "Jack the Ripper," 234 Jealousy, 104, 117, 139, 260 _Joan of Arc_, 351 _Jörger_, 331 Jus primæ noctis, 151 _Keller_, 356 Kinship, 107 _Krafft-Ebing_, 142, 208, 234, 404 _Lamarck_, 39 Landerziehungsheime, 477 Lesbian love, 275 _Liguori_, 341 Lorettes, 322 Love, 111 Love and sexual appetite, 104 maternal, 135 and religion, 143 _Lubbock_, 181 Lycurgus, laws of, 466 _Marchal_, 18 Mariage de convenance, 91 Marriage by purchase, 170 by rape, 170 consanguineous, 164, 387 duration of, 182 for money, 295 forms of, 173 hygiene of, 427 ideal, 517 Masochism, 237 Masturbation, 80, 220, 228 Maternal love, 135 Maternity, 62 Matriarchism, 378, 522 _Maupassant, Guy de_, 133, 140, 301, 308 Medical advice, 421, 434 secrecy, 435 Medicine and sexual life, 418 Medico-legal case, 413 _Mendel_, 30 Menstruation, 56 Mental Capacity, 67 _Mercier_, 67 _Merrifield_, 36 _Messalina_, 353 _Meynert_, 67 _Mill, Stuart_, 69 Mistresses, 323 Mitosis, 7 Mneme, 14 Modesty, 126, 141 _Moebius_, 65 Money, cult of, 502 "Monkey's love," 136 Monogamy, 173 Morality, 445 Mormons, 174 _Moses_, 454 _Murillo_, 355 Mysogynists' ball, 249 _Napoleon_, 352 Narcotics and sexual life, 503 Natural selection, 42 Neo-malthusianism, 463 _Nero_, 353 Nocturnal emissions, 79 Nudity, 157 Nymphomania, 97, 268 Old maids, 129 Onanism, 228 Ontogeny, 40 of sexual life, 200 Orgasm, veneral, 57 Ovulation, 19 Palæontology, 39 Pangenesis, 34 Paradoxy, sexual, 221 Parthenogenesis, 9 Passiveness in woman, 130 Paternity, inquiry into, 383 Pathology of sexual organs, 209 Patriarchism, 159 Patriotism, 108 _Paul, St_, 352 Pedagogy and the sexual question, 470 Pederasty, 244 Pederosis, 254 Penal law in sexual matters, 396 Penis, 53 Phallus, 150 Phylogeny, 40 of love, 108 sexual life, 193 Pimps, 88 Pithecanthropus, 46 Placenta, 21 Police and prostitution, 308 Polities and sexual question, 461, 467, 506 Polyandry, 173 Polygamy, 173 Pornography, 85, 121, 140, 406, 506 Pregnancy, 23, 58, 433 Prejudice and tradition, 505 Preventive membranes, 425 Procreative instinct, 92, 116 Promiscuity, 148, 173 Prostate, 53 Prostitutes, fate of, 314 number of, 308 psychology of, 97, 308 training of, 306 varieties of, 312 Prostitution, 88, 97, 185, 298, 308, 377 regulation of, 316 and sexual perversion, 314 Protectors, 303 Protoplasm, 6 Proxenetism, 88, 298, 406 Prudery, 126, 141 Psychic impotence, 85, 219 Psychic irradiations of love, 115, 128 Psychopathology, sexual, 216 Puberty, 77 Race and sexual life, 189 Rape, 402 Rational selection, 464 Religion and love, 143 Religion and sexual life, 340 Religious eroticism, 347 prudery, 346 Reproduction in vertebrates, 51 Restriction in sexual life, 387 Retaliation, 364 Rights in sexual life, 358 Right to satisfaction of the sexual appetite, 373 _Rousseau_, 237, 352 _Sade, Marquis de_, 235 Sadism, 234, 404, 486 Satyriasis, 258 _Schiller_, 59 _Schopenhauer_, 65 _Schwann_, 6 _Seguin_, 327 Selection, contrary, 465 human, 412, 509 natural, 42 rational, 464 Semen, 53 _Semon_, 14, 32 Seminal vesicles, 52 Senile paradoxy, 265 Sexual appetite in man, 72 appetite in woman, 92, 130 disorders, 440 excitation, 86 hygiene, 420 morality, 445, 450 pathology, 208 perversion, 234, 273, 404, 482 power, 81, 203 selection, 161 Sexes, production of, 176 _Shakespere_, 267 Shame, sense of, 157 Social position, 334 Sodomy, 255 Soft chancre, 215 _Solomon_, 353 Spermatorrhea, 210 Spermatozoa, 11 _Spinoza_, 366 Standard of human value, 478, 513 Struggle for existence, 42 Succession, right of, 394 Suckling, 62 Suggestion in art, 291 in love, 284 in sexual life, 277 in sexual anomalies, 272, 291 Sympathy, 284 Syphilis, 213 Testicles, 52 _Themis_, 353 _Tiberius_, 365 _Tolstoi_, 352 Types to eliminate and perpetuate, 512 Urnings, 242 Uterus, 21 Utopia, 499 Vagabondage, 331 Vagina, 55 _Van Beneden_, 11 Venereal diseases, 211, 376, 507 Virgins, cult of, 154 Vitellus, 11 _Vries, de_, 17, 32, 43 War, 461 _Weismann_, 10, 17, 32, 34 _Westermark_, 145, 181, 196 Wealth and poverty, 333 White slavery, 305 Woman, emancipation of, 504 Womb, 21 Yolk, 11 _Zeller_, 355 _Zola_, 323, 407 * * * * * +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Typographical errors corrected in text: | | | | Page 22: Kulliker replaced with Kölliker | | Page 52: Vericles replaced with Vesicles | | Page 256: exidence replaced with evidence | | Page 273: 'sexual perversion proflably exist' | | replaced with | | 'sexual perversion probably exist' | | Page 353: Medici replaced with Médici | | Page 404: psycopaths replaced with psyhcopaths | | Page 426: heriditary replaced with hereditary | | Page 442: Schrenk-Notzing replaced with Schrenck-Notzing | | Page 459: perseverence replaced with perseverance | | Page 490: Shakspere replaced with Shakespere | | Page 514: necesssary replaced with necessary | | 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