Vulgar words in Wunpost (Page 1)
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 233 ~ ~ ~
All he had was his bed and a couple of canteens and a little jerked beef in a sack, but to hear the poor boob talk you'd think he was a millionaire--he had the world by the tail.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 273 ~ ~ ~
I'm going to let you live so I can have a good laugh every time I see you go by--Old Dusty Rhodes, the Speed King, the Wild Ass of the Desert, the man that couldn't stop to get rich!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 561 ~ ~ ~
"Well, damn Dusty Rhodes!" he cried in a passion.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,084 ~ ~ ~
He was on his way, either seeking after gold or searching out the means of revenge; and if he came that way it was to find his dog and mules and not to make love to her.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,771 ~ ~ ~
If I'd followed my own judgment instead of taking your advice----" "Your judgment!" he mocked; "say, shake yourself, kid--you've pulled the biggest bonehead of a life-time."