The 3,274 occurrences of blockhead
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~ ~ ~ Sentence 226 ~ ~ ~
I am generally afraid of having to deal with blockheads, but you I have already heard of; I know your character and your profession; you are an observer and narrator--in other words, pardon me, inquisitive and a chatterbox."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,656 ~ ~ ~
"The blockhead!" exclaimed the Grandmother in Russian.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,685 ~ ~ ~
You are a blockhead-an utter blockhead!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,700 ~ ~ ~
YOU, though, I perceive, are a blockhead-a man who does not even know how to carry his breeding.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,786 ~ ~ ~
Nevertheless, I do not mean to let him have any of my money (which is all that he desires), for the reason that I look upon him as a perfect blockhead, and consider myself, simpleton though I be, at least wiser than HE is.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 291 ~ ~ ~
This is the reason that we commonly see clever men poor, and blockheads rich; as you may gather from the story which I am going to tell you.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 591 ~ ~ ~
The news of this proclamation flew through the whole country, till at last it came to the ears of Cienzo, who said to himself, "Verily, I am a great blockhead!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,018 ~ ~ ~
The King, who saw at a glance that he was a blockhead, to get rid of him, said, "Go and tell the serpent that I will give him my daughter if he turns all the fruit of this orchard into gold."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,508 ~ ~ ~
The King seeing this victory of a blockhead, the palm thus carried off by a simpleton, the triumph of a fool, bethought himself seriously whether or no he should give him his daughter; and taking counsel with the wiseacres of his court, they replied that Ciannetella was not a mouthful for the tooth of such a miserable dog and lose-the-day bird, and that, without breaking his word, he might commute the promise of his daughter for a gift of crowns, which would be more to the taste of a poor beggar like Moscione than all the women in the world.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,084 ~ ~ ~
Then he asked Cianne what had happened to him, and upon hearing his story, he told him he had no one to blame but himself; for like a blockhead he alone had caused his own misfortune, acting like the camel, that wanted to have horns and lost its ears; but he bade him mind another time and keep a bridle on his tongue, which was the key that had opened to him the storehouse of misfortune; for if he had spoken well of the youths, he would perhaps have had the same good fortune, especially as to speak well of any one is a merchandise that costs nothing, and usually brings profit that is not expected.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,340 ~ ~ ~
And when he had related the story, how he had been compelled to take them to the wood, the Prince gave him a good scolding, calling him a blockhead for allowing a woman to put her heel upon his neck till he was brought to send away two such jewels as his children.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 450 ~ ~ ~
Finally, the old soldier made a queer grimace, and ejaculated: "Blockhead!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 503 ~ ~ ~
"You blockheads!" the voice repeated.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 932 ~ ~ ~
Oh, the blockheads!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,838 ~ ~ ~
"The blockhead!" is Konev's remark.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 348 ~ ~ ~
Aunt Hannah often called him a "blockhead," and I supposed it was because he sat on that block.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 349 ~ ~ ~
Sometimes, in his absence, a boy was made to sit in his place for punishment, for being a "blockhead" too, as I imagined.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 176 ~ ~ ~
Don't stand pointing your crossbow at me, blockhead--it might go off!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,163 ~ ~ ~
I can assure you, Barbara, that if only you could be sitting among us, and listening to the talk (while, with the rest of us, you smoked a pipe), and were to hear those present begin to argue and dispute concerning different matters, you would feel of as little account among them as I do; for I myself figure there only as a blockhead, and feel ashamed, since it takes me a whole evening to think of a single word to interpolate--and even then the word will not come!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,363 ~ ~ ~
We submit that a wooden spoon of our day would not be justified in calling Galileo and Napier blockheads, because they never heard of the differential calculus.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,757 ~ ~ ~
It has never occurred to him that there is a difference between assertion and demonstration, that a rumour does not always prove a fact, that a single fact, when proved, is hardly foundation enough for a theory, that two contradictory propositions cannot be undeniable truths, that to beg the question is not the way to settle it, or that when an objection is raised, it ought to be met with something more convincing than "scoundrel" and "blockhead."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 10,771 ~ ~ ~
Churchill was a blockhead.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,847 ~ ~ ~
But there's no excuse for those blockheads of statesmen, as they call themselves, who are paid to see things as they are.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,353 ~ ~ ~
What a blockhead you are.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,044 ~ ~ ~
I was between the lines by accident, or through the efforts of that blockhead of a dragoman.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,669 ~ ~ ~
(exclamation), doggie, little dog, diminutive doin', doing, doobt, suspect; know; doubt, have an unpleasant conviction doobtin', suspecting; knowing, also doubting doobtless, doubtless, doobtna, do not suspect; do not know, also does not doubt doobts, suspects; knows, also doubts dooms, extremely; exceedingly, doon, down, doon', down, door-cheek, door-post; threshold, door-sill, threshold, doos, doves, dos, does, do't, do it, douce, gentle; sensible; sober; prudent, doup, bottom; backside; buttocks, draigon, dragon, reference to Revelation 12-13 draigons, dragons, dram, glass of whisky, drap, drop; small quantity of, drappit, dropped, drappy, little drop; a little (liquor), diminutive drawin', drawing, drear, dreary; dreariness; tedium, dree, endure; undergo; suffer, dree my weird, undergo my doom, dreemt, dreamed, dreid, dread, dreidfu', dreadful; dreadfully, drinkin', drinking, dronin', droning, drookit, drenched; soaked, droon, drown, droonin', drowning, droont, drowned, drop, drop-shaped earring, also drop drouth, thirst; dryness, also drought drouthie, thirsty; dry, drucken, drunken; tipsy, du, do, duds, clothes; rags; tatters, duin', doing, dulse, type of seaweed, dummie, little mute person, diminutive dune, done, dyke, wall of stone or turf, dykes, walls of stone or turf, ear, early, ear', early, ee, eye, e'e, eye, eedit, heeded, een, eyes, e'en, even; just; simply, also eyes; evening eese, use, efter, after; afterwards, else, otherwise; at another time; already, Embrough, Edinburgh, en', end, endeevour, endeavour, endeevourin', endeavouring; trying, eneuch, enough, enstance, instance, er, ere; before, er', ere; before, ettle, reach; intend; purpose; aim, even, even; compare, ever, before, also ever ever-mair, ever more, exemple, example, expeckit, expected, fa', fall; befall, failt, failed, faimily, family, fain, eager; anxious; fond, also fondly fa'in', falling, fallow, fellow; chap, fallow-feelin', mutual feeling, fan', found, fan't, found it, fa'ntit, fainted, fardin', farthing, faulds, folds, fause, false, fau't, fault; blame, fauvour, favour, fawvour, favour, feared, afraid; frightened; scared, fearfu', fearful; easily frightened, fearsome, terrifying; fearful; awful, feart, afraid; frightened; scared, feathert, feathered, fecht, fight; struggle, fechtin', fighting; struggling, feck, value; worth; advantage; majority, fee, hire oneself out, feel, foolish, also fool fegs, truly, mild oath; exclamation of surprise fell, very; potent; keen; harsh; sharp, intensifies; also turf fell-dyke, wall made of layers of sod, fellow-cratur, fellow creature, fells, sods, feow, few, fess, fetch, fest, fast, fey, doomed (to death), fillit, filled, fin', find; feel, fin'in', finding; feeling, Fin'on haddie, smoked haddock, firin', firing; heating, fit, foot; base, also fit; capable; able fittin', fitting, flax, flax; wick, flee, fly (insect), fleers, floors, fleg, blow; kick; stroke, fleggin', blowing; kicking; stroking, fleggit, blew; kicked; stroked, flegs, blows; kicks; strokes, fleyt, terrified; frightened, fling, kick; throw, fling't, kick it; throw it, flit, shift; remove; depart, flitted, shifted; removed; departed, flittin', shifting; removing; departing, flure, floor, forby, as well; as well as; besides, forgie, forgive, forgiein', forgiving, forgi'en, forgiven, forgifness, forgiveness, forkit, forked, for's, for his, for't, for it, foucht, fought, fowk, folk, fowth, plenty; abundance; full measure, frae, from, frank, generous; lavish, also generously fricht, frighten; scare away, frichtit, frightened; scared away, fule, fool, fules, fools, fulfillt, fulfilled, fundation, foundation, fun't, founded, fut, foot, gae, gave, gaed, went, gaein', going, 'gain, by; nearly; almost, gairdens, gardens, gait, way; fashion, also route; street gaits, ways, also routes; streets ga'le, gable, gane, gone, gang, go; goes; depart; walk, gang yer wa's, go on, gangin', going; walking, gar, cause; make; compel, garred, made; caused; compelled, gars, makes; causes; compels, gar't, made; caused; compelled, gat, got, gauin, going, gauin', going, gear, possessions; money; property, also livestock geese, goose, German Ocean, , old reference to the English Channel & North Sea gerse, grass, gether, gather, gey, very; considerable, geyan, considerably; somewhat; rather, ghaist, ghost, ghem, game (hunted animal), gie, give, gied, gave, giein, giving, giein', giving, gien, if; as if; then; whether, also given gien't, if it, gies, gives, gie't, give it, gin, if; as if; then; whether, girdle, griddle for baking scones, iron disc girnels, granaries; meal-chests, glaid, glad, glaiss, glass, glaisses, glasses, glamour, spell; charm; enchantment, glaur, mud; dirt; ooze, gleg, quick; lively; smart; quick-witted, glimp, glimpse; glance, also the least degree glintin', twinkling; glittering, gloamin', twilight; dusk, gloaming, twilight; dusk, gnerlet, gnarled, goodman, master; husband; head of household, gowans, daisies, gowany, flowered with daisies, gowd, gold, gowk, cuckoo; fool; blockhead, gowkit, foolish; silly, gowks, cuckoos; fools; blockheads, graivelly, gravely, gran', grand; capital; first-rate, gran'est, grandest, gran'father, grandfather, green bree, cesspool, also stagnant pool by a dunghill greitin', crying; weeping, grenite, granite, gret, great, grief, grieve, grip, grasp; understand, grippit, grasped; understood, growin', growing, growlin', growling, grue, feeling of horror; tremor, grum'lin', grumbling, grup, grip; grasp, gruppit, gripped; grabbed, gudeman, master; husband; head of household, guid, good, also God guid-hertit, good-hearted, guidit, treated; handled; managed, guiss, guess, guissin', guessing, haddie, haddock, hadna, had not, hae, have; has, hae a news, talk; gossip, haein, having, haein', having, haena, have not, hae's, have his, hae't, have it, haill, whole, hairm, harm, Haith!, Faith!, exclamation of surprise haithen, heathen, haithenish, heathenish, haiven, heaven, haiver, talk nonsense, hale, whole, half-hoor, half-hour, hame, home, han', hand, hang, hanged, also made hangin', hanging, hangt, hanged, hanks, rope; coil; skein of cotton, han'le, handle, han's, hands, hantle, much; large quantity; far, hap, cover; wrap; shield, h'ard, heard, hark, listen, harns, brains, hasna, does not have, haud, hold; keep, hauden, held; kept, haudin', holding; keeping, hauds, holds; keeps, haugh, river-meadow, hause, neck; throat, h'aven, heaven, hawpy, happy, haymows, large haystacks, heap, very much; heap, hearin', hearing, hearken, hearken; hear; listen to, hearkenin', hearkening; listening to, hearkent, hearkened; heard; listened to, hear't, hear it, hearten, encourage, Hech!, Oh!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,401 ~ ~ ~
But men are blockheads,--dear, and affectionate, and generous blockheads,--benevolent, large-hearted, and chivalrous,--kind, and patient, and hard-working,--but stupid where women are concerned.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,390 ~ ~ ~
They are a lot of old blockheads in flannel vests and of old women with foot-warmers and rosaries who constantly drone into our ears 'Duty, duty!'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,268 ~ ~ ~
So you will understand that I was loth to open it to satisfy those blockheads that evening at the Mill House.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,073 ~ ~ ~
"Are you jealous of your wife, you stupid blockhead?" cries out his master in another tone.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,183 ~ ~ ~
"There is nothing to tell, dearest lady, but that he was insolent, and I beat him, and that he was a blockhead, and told of it, which I should never have done.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,262 ~ ~ ~
and tell you how matters go upon 'Change, or in the House, or according to the blockhead's first pursuits, whether lucrative or politic, which thus he leaves; and lays himself down a voluntary prey to his own sensuality and sloth, while the ambition and avarice of the nephews and nieces, with their rascally adherents and coadjutors, reap the advantage, while they fatten their fool.'"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,329 ~ ~ ~
A lash like mine no honest man shall dread, But all such babbling blockheads in his stead.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,021 ~ ~ ~
Thou, who since yesterday hast rolled o'er all The busy, idle blockheads of the ball, Hast thou, oh, sun!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 10,190 ~ ~ ~
of the night) forgettin', forgetting, for't, for it, fortin, fortune, fortins, fortunes, fowk, folk, fra, from, frae, from, frae hame, away; not at home, freely, quite; very; thoroughly, freen', friend; relation, freen'ly, friendly, freens, friends; relations, freen's, friends; relations, fricht, frighten; scare away, also fright frichtit, frightened; scared away, fu', full; very; much, fule, fool, fules, fools, fulish, foolish, full, fully, also full f'un', found, f'undation, foundation, furnisht, furnished, furreign, foreign, furth, forth, fut, foot, futur, future, gae, gave, ga'e, gave, gaed, went, gaedna, did not go, gaein', going, gaein's, goings, gairden, garden, gait, way; fashion, also route; street gaither, gather, gaitherin', gathering, gane, gone, gang, go; goes; depart; walk, gangin', going; walking, gangin's, goings, gangs, goes; walks, gar, cause; make; compel, gars, makes; causes; compels, gat, got, gauin', going, gein, if; as if; then; whether, also given German Ocean, , old reference to the English Channel & North Sea gether, gather, gethert, gathered, gettin', getting, gey, fairly; considerable, ghaist, ghost; soul; spirit, ghaists, ghosts; spirits; souls, gie, give, gied, gave, giedst, gave; gaveth (King James style), giein', giving, gien, if; as if; then; whether, also given gi'en, given, gies, gives, gie's, gives; give us; give his, gie't, give it, girn, grimace; snarl; twist the features, girned, grimaced; snarled; twisted features, also found fault girnin', grimacing; snarling, git, get; acquire, glaid, glad, glaidness, gladness, glaiss, glass, gleg, quick; lively; smart; quick-witted, glimp, glimpse; glance, also the least degree gloamin', twilight; dusk, glower, stare; gaze; scowl, glowered, stared; gazed; scowled, glowert, stared; gazed; scowled, gluves, gloves, God-fearin', God-fearing, goin', going, gowk, cuckoo; fool; blockhead, gran', grand; capital; first-rate, gran'child, grandchild, gran'er, grander, gran'father, grandfather, grantin', granting, grâtis, free; gratuitous, greit, cry; weep, greitin', crying; weeping, grip, grasp; understand, grippin', gripping, grit, great, grit-gran'mother-tongue, great grandmother-tongue, groanin', groaning, growin', growing, grue, feeling of horror; tremor, also tremble gruntin', grunting, grup, grip; grasp, grutch, grudge, gude, good, also God gudeman, master; husband; head of household, also farmer gudewife, mistress of the house; wife, also farmer's wife guid, good, also God guidman, master; husband; head of household, also farmer guidwife, mistress of the house; wife, also farmer's wife gurly, threatening to be stormy, also growling; boisterous ha', have, also hall; house hadna, had not, hae, have; has, ha'e, have, haein', having, haena, have not, hae't, have it, haibitable, habitable, haill, whole, hailstanes, hailstones, Haith!, Faith!, exclamation of surprise halesome, wholesome; pure, half-ways, half; partly, hame, home, hame-like, like home, han', hand, handiwark, handiwork, handy, near by; close at hand, han'fu', handful, hangin', hanging, hangt, hanged, han'led, handled; treated, han'let, handled, han'lin', handling, han's, hands, han'some, handsome, hantle, much; large quantity; far, happed, happened, happent, happened, h'ard, heard, hardenin', hardening, hasna, does not have, hathenish, heathenish, haud, hold; keep, hauden, held; kept, haudin', holding; keeping, hauds, holds; keeps, haud's, hold us; keep us, also hold his; keep his h'aven, heaven, h'avenly, heavenly, h'avens, heavens, hawt, hawked; cleared the throat, also hesitated healin', healing, heap, very much, also heap hearin', hearing, hearken, hearken; hear; listen, hearkenin', hearkening; listening, hearkent, hearkened; heard; listened, hearkin', hearkening; listening, heels ower heid, topsy-turvy, heicher, higher, heid, head; heading, heids, heads; headings, heild, held, helpit, helped, herd, herd-boy; cow-boy, also herd herd-laddie, herd-boy; cow-boy, hermonious, harmonious, hermony, harmony, hersel', herself, hert, heart, hertbrak, heartbreak, hert-brak, heartbreak, hertily, heartily, herts, hearts, het, hot; burning, hidin', hiding, hielan's, highlands, himsel', himself, hin'er, hinder, hing, hang, hingin', hanging, hit, it, emphatic hiz, us, emphatic honourt, honoured, hoo, how, hooever, however, hoor, hour, hoose, house, hoosekeep, keep house, hoosekeeper, housekeeper, hoot, pshaw, exclamation of doubt or contempt hoots, pshaw, exclamation of doubt or contempt hose, stocking, houp, hope, houpless, hopeless, howk, dig; excavate, howkit, dug; excavated, howlin', howling, hoydenish, inelegantly, hue, look; appearance, hummt, stammered; spoke hesitatingly, also murmured hungert, starved, i', in; into, I doobt, I know; I suspect, ilk, every; each, also common; ordinary ilka, every; each, also common; ordinary ill, bad; evil; hard; harsh; badly, also misfortune; harm 'ill, will, ill-mainnert, ill-mannered, ill-pleast, not pleased; unhappy, ill-used, used wrongly, ill-usin', using wrongly, 'im, him, implorin', imploring, impruvt, improved, in the sulks, sullen, ineequities, iniquities, ingle-neuk, chimney-corner or recess; fireside, inquirin', inquiring, intendit, intended, intil, into; in; within, intil't, into it, inveesible, invisible, ir, are, isna, is not, is't, is it, i'stead, instead, ither, other; another; further, ithers, others, itherwise, otherwise, it'll, it will, itsel', itself, jaud, lass; girl; worthless woman, old worn-out horse jeally, jelly, jeedge, judge, jeedges, judges, jeedgment, judgement, j'in, join, jist, just, justifee, justify, justifeein', justifying, keek, look; peep; spy, keepin', keeping, keepit, kept, ken, know; be acquainted with; recognise, kenna, do not know, kenned, known; knew, kennin', knowing, kens, knows, kent, known; knew, killin', killing, kin, kind; nature; sort; agreeable, also somewhat; in some degree; kin kin', kind; nature; sort; agreeable, also somewhat; in some degree kin'ness, kindness, kirk, church, kirk-session, lowest Presbyterian Church court, oversees congregation kirk-time, time to go to church, kirkyard, churchyard, kissin', kissing, kist, chest; coffer; box; chest of drawers, knockin', knocking, knockit, knocked, lad, boy, term of commendation or reverence laddie, boy, term of affection laddies, boys, term of affection lads, boys, term of commendation or reverence laich, low; inferior, laichest, lowest, lairger, larger, laistit, lasted, Laitin, Latin, lan', land; country; ground, lane, lone; alone; lonely; solitary, lanely, lonely, lanesome, lonesome, lang, long; big; large; many, also slow; tedious langer, longer, lang's, long as, lan'lord, landlord, lass, girl; young woman, term of address lasses, girls; young women, lassie, girl, term of endearment lat, let; allow, latna, let not; do not let, lat's, let's; let us; let his, latten, let; allowed, lattin', letting; allowing, lauch, laugh, lauchin', laughing, lauchs, laughs, lave, rest; remainder; others, also leave laverock, lark (type of bird), lay't, lay it, lea', leave, learnin', learning, also teaching learnit, learned, learnt, learned, also taught leavin', leaving, leddy, lady, also boy; lad; laddy leddyship, ladyship, leeberty, liberty, lees, lies, leevin', living; living being, leevit, lived, len'th, length, leuch, laughed, ley, leave, licht, light, lichten, lighten, lichter, lighter, lichtest, lightest, lichtit, lighted, lichts, lights, lickin', thrashing; punishment, lift, load; boost; lift; helping hand, also sky; heavens liftin', lifting, liftit, lifted, like, like; likely to; looking as if to, also as it were; as if likin', liking, likit, liked, lines, any written or printed authorities, lippen, trust; depend on, also look after lippent, trusted; depended on, also looked after listenin', listening, livin', living, 'll, will, loaf-breid, wheaten loaf (of bread), lockit, locked, lodgin', lodging, lo'e, love, lo'ed, loved, lo'ein', loving, lo'es, loves, lo'in', loving, lood, loud, lookin', looking, lookit, looked, loot, let; allowed; permitted, losin', losing, lovesna, does not love, lowlan's, lowlands, lowse, loose; free, also dishonest; immoral ludgin', lodging, lugs, ears, luik, look, luikin', looking, luikit, looked, luiks, looks, luved, loved, lyin', lying, macker, maker; God, mainner, manner, mair, more; greater, mairch, march, maist, most; almost, 'maist, almost, maister, master; mister, maistly, mostly; most of all, maitter, matter, mak, make; do, makin', making; doing, makker, maker; God, maks, makes; does, manse, Scottish minister's official residence, mattin', matting, maun, must; have to, maunna, must not; may not, mayna, may not, meanin', meaning, meenute, minute, meeserable, miserable, meetin', meeting, mem, Ma'am; Miss; Madam, men', mend, men of Gotham, wise men who play the fools, refers to an English fable men'in', mending; healing, men'it, mended; healed, mentiont, mentioned, merriet, married, merry, marry, also merry merryin', marrying, micht, might, michtna, might not, michty, mighty; God, mickle, great; big; much; abundant; very, also important; proud mids, midst; middle, min', mind; recollection, also recollect; remember minnie, mother; mommy, pet name minnisters, ministers, min's, minds; reminds; recollects, mirk, darkness; gloom; night, mirracle, miracle, mischance, misfortune; bad luck, mischeef, mischief; injury; harm, misdoobt, doubt; disbelieve; suspect, misguidit, wasted; mismanaged; ill-used, mistak, mistake, mither, mother, mither-tongue, mother-tongue, Mononday, Monday, mony, many, moo, mouth, moo', mouth, moo's, mouths, moose, mouse, mooth, mouth, mornin', morning, mouldy, dirty; soiled, muckle, huge; enormous; big; great; much, muir, moor; heath, munelicht, moonlight, m'untain, mountain, murdert, murdered, muvs, moves; affects, my lane, on my own, mysel', myself, na, not; by no means, nae, no; none; not, naebody, nobody; no one, naething, nothing, naither, neither, nait'ral, natural, nane, none, nat'ral, natural, natur, nature, natur', nature, nearhan', nearly; almost; near by, neb, tip; point; nib; beak, necessar', necessary, neebour, neighbour, neebours, neighbours, needsna, does not need to, neeper, neighbour, negleckit, neglected, neist, next; nearest, news, talk; gossip, nicht, night; evening, nigh, near; nearly, nip, smart; squeeze; bite; pinch, also cheat; steal no, not, no', not, noo, now, nor, than; although; if, also nor nowt, cattle; oxen, o', of; on, obeddience, obedience, obeyin', obeying, objec', object, observt, observed, occurrt, occurred, offerin', offering, ohn, without; un-, uses past participle not present progressive on a suddent, suddenly; all of a sudden, ony, any, onybody, anybody; anyone, onygait, anyway, onything, anything, onyw'y, anyway, oonbelief, unbelief, oondefent, undefended, oongratefu', ungrateful, oonholy, unholy, oonlikly, unlikely, oonseen, unseen, oor, our, oors, ours, oorsels, ourselves, oorsel's, ourselves, oot, out, ootside, outside, ootward, outward, open-hertit, open-hearted, openin', opening, oppresst, oppressed, or, before; ere; until; by, also or ordinar', ordinary; usual; natural, also custom; habit ord'nar, ordinary; usual; natural, also custom; habit ord'nar', ordinary; usual; natural, also custom; habit oucht, anything; all, also ought ouchtna, ought not, ow, oh, exclamation of surprise ower, over; upon; too, owerbeirin', overbearing, owercome, overcome; recover, ower's, over us; over his, ower't, over it, pack, property; belongings, pailace, palace, pairt, part, pairties, parties, pairts, parts, parin', paring; cutting off the surface, parritch, oatmeal porridge, partic'lar, particular, pat, put; made, pattren, pattern, peacefu', peaceful, pecooliar, peculiar, peety, pity, perris, parish, perswaud, persuade, pey, pay, peyin', paying, peyment, payment, peyt, paid, p'int, point, plack, the smallest coin, worth 1/3 of a penny plaguin', plaguing, plaister, plaster, playin', playing, pleasin', pleasing, pleast, pleased, pleasur, pleasure, pleesur, pleasure, pluckit, plucked, pooches, pockets, pooer, power, potterin', pottering, praist, praised, prayin', praying, preejudice, prejudice, preejudized, prejudiced, preevilege, privilege, prefar, prefer, prejudeese, prejudice, preparin', preparing, preshume, presume, press, wall-cupboard with shelves, presses, wall-cupboards with shelves, preten', pretend, prevailt, prevailed, prood, proud, protec', protect, providin', providing, prowlin', prowling, pu', pull, pu'd, pulled, pu'in', pulling, puir, poor, pullin', pulling, pu'pit, pulpit, pushin', pushing, putten, put, puttin', putting, quaiet, quiet, quaietly, quietly, queston, question, quo', swore; said; quoth, ragin', raging, raither, rather, rampaugin', rampaging, rattlin', rattling, readin', reading, rebukit, rebuked, recollec', recollect, reid, red, reivin', plundering; robbing, also roaming; straying remaint, remained, repentit, repented, resolvt, resolved, respec', respect, richt, right; correct, also mend richteous, righteous, richteousness, righteousness, richts, rights, rin, run, ringin', ringing, rinnin', running, rist, rest, rive, rent; tear; tug; wrench, rizzon, reason, rizzonable, reasonable, rizzons, reasons, roarin', roaring, ro'd, road; course; way, ro'd-side, roadside, romage, disturbance, romour, rumour, roomie, little room, diminutive roon', around; round, rouch, rough, rouchly, roughly, routit, bellowed; made a loud noise, also poked about; cleared out row, roll; wrap up; wind, rudimen's, rudiments, rum'lin's, rumblings, rute, root, 's, us; his; as; is, also has s', shall, sacrets, secrets, sae, so; as, saft, muddy; soft; silly; foolish, safter, muddier; softer; sillier, saidna, did not say, sair, sore; sorely; sad; hard; very; greatly, also serve sair-hertit, sad of heart, saitisfee, satisfy, sall, shall, sanct, saint, sarks, shirts, sattle, settle, sattlet, settled, sattlin, settling; deciding, savin', saving, also except Sawbath, Sabbath; Sunday, Sawbath-day, Sabbath day; Sunday, saxpence, sixpence, say, speech; saying; proverb, sayin', saying, scaret, scared, school-maister, schoolmaster, scriptur, Scripture, scriptur', Scripture, scunnert, disgusted; loathed, scushlin, slide; shuffle in walking, seein', seeing, seekin', seeking, seemile, simile, seemna, do not seem, seemt, seemed, seesna, does not see, see't, see it, sel', self, sellin', selling, semple, simple; of low birth, sen', send, sen'in', sending, servan', servant, servan's, servants, setna, do not set, Setterday, Saturday, settin', setting, shakin', shaking, shamefu', modest; shy; bashful, sharper, sharper; rougher; coarser, also more clever shaw, show; reveal, also grove shaws, shows, shelterin', sheltering, shillin', shilling, shillins, shillings, shiverin', shivering, shochle, shake about; joggle; stagger, shoothers, shoulders, shoots, shouts, shouldna, should not, shue, shoe, shuit, suit, shune, shoes, shutten, shut, sic, such; so; similar, sicht, sight, sichts, sights, siclike, suchlike; likewise, like such a person or thing sic-like, suchlike; likewise, like such a person or thing sidewise, sideways, siller, silver; money; wealth, simmer, Summer, sin, since; ago; since then, also sin; sun sin', since; ago; since then, sittin', sitting, skean dhu, knife; dirk; short-sword, slaverin', slobbering; talking fast; flattering, sleepit, slept, sma', small; little; slight; narrow; young, sma'est, smallest; littlest; slightest; narrowest, smugglet, concealed; hid, sodger, soldier, some, somewhat; rather; quite; very, also some somewhaur, somewhere, soon', sound, soon's, sounds, soop, sweep; brush, sornin', taking food or lodging; sponging, taking by force of threat soucht, sought, sowl, soul, sowls, souls, spak, spoke, spang, leap; bound; spring; span, spark, speck; spot; blemish; atom, speakin', speaking, speakna, speak not; do not speak, speerit, spirit, speerits, spirits, speir, ask about; enquire; question, speiredna, did not ask about or enquire, speirin', asking about; enquiring; questioning, speirt, asked about; enquired; questioned, spellin', spelling, speyk, speak, speyks, speaks, spier, ask about; enquire; question, sp'ilt, spoiled, stair, stairs; staircase, stamack, stomach, stammert, staggered; stumbled; faltered, stan', stand; stop, stan'in, standing, stan'in', standing, stan's, stands, startit, started, stealin', stealing, steek, shut; close; clench, also stitch (as in clothing) steer, stir; disturbance; commotion; fuss, steik, shut; close; push, also stitch (as in clothing) stick, stick; gore; butt with horns, stickin', sticking; goring, stiles, gates; passages over a wall, stime, glimpse; glance; least particle, faintest form of an object stoot, stout; healthy; strong; plucky, stoppit, stopped, story-buik, storybook, strae, straw, straicht, straight, strak, struck, stramash, uproar; tumult; fuss; brawl, straucht, straighten; straight, stren'th, strength, stude, stood, sud, should, suddent, sudden; suddenly, sudna, should not, sune, soon; early, suner, sooner, sun'ert, sundered, supposin', supposing, sutors, shoemakers; cobblers, swarmin', swarming, sweir, swear, sweirin', swearing, swingin', swinging, syne, ago; since; then; at that time, also in (good) time 't, it, ta, to, tae, toe; also tea, also the one; to taen, taken; seized, ta'en, taken; seized, taibernacles, tabernacles, taich, teach, tak, take; seize, takin', taking, takna, do not take, taks, takes; seizes, taksna, does not take, talkin', talking, tane, the one, tanneree, tannery, tap, top; tip; head, taucht, taught, tauld, told, teep, type, teeps, types, teetin', peeping; stealing a glance, teetle, title, telled, told, tellin', telling, tellt, told, telt, told, ten'ency, tendency, ten'er, tender, ten'erest-hertit, most tender-hearted, thae, those; these, than, then, also than thankfu', thankful, thankfu'ness, thankfulness, thankit, thanked, the day, today, the morn, tomorrow, the morn's, tomorrow is, the nicht, tonight, the noo, just now; now, thegither, together, themsel's, themselves, thereawa', thereabouts; in that quarter, thinkin', thinking, thinkna, do not think, thinksna, does not think, this day week, in a week's time; a week from now, also a week ago this mony a day, for some time, thocht, thought, thoo, thou; you (God), thoucht, thought, thrashen, threshed, thraw, throw; turn; twist, threid, thread, threip, argue obstinately, also maintain by dint of assertion thro't, throat, throttlin', throttling, throu', through, throuw, through, til, to; till; until; about; at; before, till's, to his; to us, til's, to his; to us, til't, to it; at it, timorsome, timorous; fearful; nervous, tither, the other, tod, fox, toddlin', toddling; walking unsteadily, toon, town; village, toon-fowk, town folk; city folk, toons, towns; villages, toor, tower, toot-moot, low muttering conversation, touchin', touching, traivel, travel, traivellin', travelling, traivels, travels, traivelt, travelled, tramp, trudge, also tramp transplantit, transplanted, travellin', travelling, treatin', treating, trem'lin', trembling, tre't, treat, trible, trouble, tribled, troubled, triblet, troubled, trimlin', trembling, trim'lin', trembling, troth, truth; indeed, also used as an exclamation trowth, truth; indeed, also used as an exclamation trustit, trusted, tryin', trying, 'tsel', itself, tu, too; also, tuik, took, turnin', turning, turnpike-stair, narrow spiral staircase, turnt, turned, twa, two; a few, twalmonth, twelvemonth; year, twasome, couple; pair, twise, twice, unco, unknown; odd; strange; uncouth, also very great unco', unknown; odd; strange; uncouth, also very great un'erstan', understand, un'erstan'in, understanding, un'erstan'in', understanding, un'erstan's, understands, un'erstan't, understood, unlockit, unlocked, up the stair, upstairs, also to heaven upbringin', upbringing, uphaud, uphold; maintain; support, upo', upon; on to; at, upsettin', forward; ambitious; stuck-up; proud, uttert, uttered, varily, verily; truly, varra, very, veesitation, visitation, veesitin', visiting, veesitit, visited, veesits, visits, verra, very; true; real, v'ice, voice, vooed, vowed, wa', wall, also way; away wad, would, wadna, would not, waitin', waiting, waitit, waited, wan'erin', wandering, wantin', wanting; lacking; without; in want of, wantit, wanted, war, were, wark, work; labour, warkin', working, warklessness, inability to work, warks, works, warl', world; worldly goods, also a large number warl's, worlds, warna, were not, warnin', warning, warran', warrant; guarantee, warst, worst, warstle, wrestle, wa's, walls, also ways wasna, was not, was't, was it, wastena, do not waste, watter, water, wauges, wages, wauk, wake, waukin', waking, waukit, woke, waur, worse, also spend money wawves, waves, wayfarin', wayfaring, weather-cock, place where criminals were kept, refers to churchsteeple weddin', wedding, wee, small; little; bit, also short time; while weel, well; fine, weel-behavet, well-behaved, weel-kent, well-known; familiar, weel's, well as, weicht, weight, weir, wear, also hedge; fence; enclosure weirer, wearer, wha, who, whaever, whoever, whan, when, wha's, who is, also whose whase, whose, What for no?, Why not?, What for?, Why?, whate'er, whatever, whauls, whales, whaur, where, whaurat, wherefore, whaurever, wherever, whauron, whereon, whause, whose, wheen, little; few; number; quantity, whiles, sometimes; at times; now and then, whilk, which, whustlin', whistling, wi', with, willin', willing, win, reach; gain; get; go; come, win', wind, winna, will not, winnin', reaching; gaining; getting, win's, winds, winsome, large; comely; merry, wi'oot, without, withoot, without, won, reached; gained; got, wonderin', wondering, won'er, wonder; marvel, won'erfu', wonderful; great; large, won'erin', wondering, woo', wool, workin', working, worryin', worrying, wouldna, would not, wow, woe, exclamation of wonder or grief or satisfaction wrang, wrong; injured, wranged, wronged, wrangs, wrongs, wrangt, wronged, wringin', wringing, writin', writing, wud, wood; forest, adj.-enraged; angry; also would wudna, would not; will not, wull, will; wish; desire, also astray; stray; wild wullin', willing; wanting, wullin'ly, willingly, wulls, wills; wishes; desires, wuman, woman, wur, lay out, also were wuss, wish, w'y, way, wynds, narrow lanes or streets; alleys, w'ys, ways, wyte, blame; reproach; fault, ye, you; yourself, year, years, also year ye'll, you will, yer, your, yerd, yard; garden, ye're, you are, yerl, earl, yersel', yourself, yon, that; those; that there; these, yon'er, yonder; over there; in that place, yon's, that is; that (thing) there is, yoong, young, yoonger, younger, yoongest, youngest, Zacchay, Zaccheus, see Luke 19
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,488 ~ ~ ~
J. F. Boynton and Luke Johnson, two of the Twelve, are called "a pair of young blacklegs," and Stephen Burnett, an elder, is styled "a little ignorant blockhead, whose heart was so set on money that he would at any time sell his soul for $50, and then think he had made an excellent bargain."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,173 ~ ~ ~
Whoever sets up for a commentator of smart sayings and repartees is himself a blockhead.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,397 ~ ~ ~
A party is like a sausage machine; it mashes up all sorts of heads together into the same mincemeat--fatheads and blockheads, all in one mash!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,961 ~ ~ ~
Tired of standing up before a sea of dull faces, seeing the blockheads knock their silly hands one against the other!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,560 ~ ~ ~
When the dean of Christ's Church insisted on the use of the Roman Ordinal, he was denounced by the bishop-elect as "an ass-headed dean and a blockhead who cared only for his belly," and when Browne ventured to suggest that the ceremony should be delayed until a decision could be sought, he was attacked as "an apicure," whose only object was "to take up the proxies of any bishopric to his own gluttonous use."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 283 ~ ~ ~
Blockhead!--it's as clear as a map.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 2,852 ~ ~ ~
A hopeless blockhead!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,638 ~ ~ ~
1, generally a blockhead, or else a blackguard, whom they were fools enough to wet their clothes for, let alone kill their souls.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 676 ~ ~ ~
"Get a net under that boy, you blockheads!" thundered Mr. Sparling, rushing over from his station.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 753 ~ ~ ~
"Stand by here you blockheads, ready to fall on that rope the minute it gets within reach.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,290 ~ ~ ~
Here I am, proud as Greek god, and yet standing debtor to this blockhead for a bone to stand on!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,965 ~ ~ ~
So now the question is, will you pay four shillings from your box for this blockhead's loss of time in hanging and racing a new stone?"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,771 ~ ~ ~
Mr. Edmonstone grew angry with him for disregarding the insulting term applied to himself; and Charles, who, though improved in many points, still sometimes showed the effects of early habits of disrespect to his father, answered hastily, that no one could wonder at Guy's resenting such suspicions; he deserved no blame at all, and would have been a blockhead to bear it tamely.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,766 ~ ~ ~
Alan Fairford had never more difficulty in his life to subdue a first emotion, than he had to refrain from knocking down the crazy blockhead who had broken in upon him at such a moment.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,005 ~ ~ ~
Mr. Lincoln once remarked to Mr. Noah Brooks, one of his most intimate personal friends: "I should be the most presumptuous blockhead upon this footstool if I for one day thought that I could discharge the duties which have come upon me, since I came to this place, without the aid and enlightenment of One who is stronger and wiser than all others."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,644 ~ ~ ~
He told me that never would you get the "Constitutionnel;" that in Mole's opinion you were an idiot, and that Thiers looked upon you as a blockhead; that I alone could rally everybody to me and win against Cavaignac.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,652 ~ ~ ~
I' faith I shall say like Mole that you are an idiot, and like Thiers that you are a blockhead!'"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 965 ~ ~ ~
He is the most punctilious blockhead under heaven.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 130 ~ ~ ~
The employment of a lover is that of a mountebank, of a soldier, of a quack, of a buffoon, of a prince, of a ninny, of a king, of an idler, of a monk, of a dupe, of a blackguard, of a liar, of a braggart, of a sycophant, of a numskull, of a frivolous fool, of a blockhead, of a know-nothing, of a knave.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 375 ~ ~ ~
But to meet with a woman who, having one husband and one lover, keeps to the deuce without trying for the trey, there is the miracle, you see, you greenhorns, blockheads, and dolts!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 4,082 ~ ~ ~
"Ilya Petrovitch is a blockhead," he decided.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,395 ~ ~ ~
That innocent blockhead never does see anything!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,850 ~ ~ ~
If I were to tell a publisher, I dare say he'd hesitate-they are such blockheads!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 10,871 ~ ~ ~
There, what is that blockhead laughing at?"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 12,024 ~ ~ ~
; goodness!,mild oath; exclamation of surprise feifteen,fifteen, fell,very; potent; keen; harsh; sharp,intensifies; also turf feow,few, ferlie,wonder; novelty; curiosity, fess,fetch; bring, fest,fast, festen,fasten; bind, fiddlin',fiddling, fin',find,also feel fir-can'le,a torch; 'firwood' used as a candle, fishin',fishing, fit,foot; base,also fit; capable; able flax,flax; wick, flech,flea, fleys,terrifies; frightens, fleyt,terrified; frightened, flingin',kicking; throwing, flittin',shifting; removing; departing, flooers,flowers, flure,floor, flurin',flooring, forby,as well; as well as; besides,also over and above forbye,as well; as well as; besides,also over and above foresicht,foresight, foret,forward, forgather,assemble; encounter,also meet for a special purpose forgathert,assembled; encountered,also met for a special purpose forgettin',forgetting, forgie,forgive, forgien,forgiven, fortnicht,fortnight; two weeks, fou,full; well-fed, fouchten,fought, fower-hoors,four o'clock tea, fowk,folk, frae,from, freely,quite; very; thoroughly, freits,superstitions; charms,also superstitious fancies fremt,stranger,also strange; foreign fren',friend, fricht,frighten; scare away,also fright frichtit,frightened; scared away, frichtsome,frightful, frien',friend, frien's,friends, frien'ship,friendship, fu',full; very; much, fule,fool, fummles,fumbles, fun',found, fun-buss,whin-bush, fund,found, furbye,as well; as well as; besides,also over and above fushionless,pithless; tasteless; feeble, fut,foot, gae,gave, gaed,went, gaein',going, gae's,gave us; gave his, gaird,guard; watch, gait,way; fashion,also route; street gaither,gather, ga'le,gable, gane,gone, gang,go; goes; depart; walk, gang yer wa's,go on, gangs,goes; walks, gar,cause; make; compel, garred,made; caused; compelled, garrin',making; causing; compelling, gars,makes; causes; compels, gart,made; caused; compelled, gar't,make it; cause it; compel it, gate,way; route,also method; fashion; habit gatherin',gathering, gaun,going, 'gen,by; in time for; whether, German Ocean,,old reference to the English Channel & North Sea gether,gather, gettin',getting, gey,fairly; considerably,also considerable gi',give, gie,give, gie a lift,give a helping hand, gied,gave, giein',giving, gien,if; as if; then; whether,also given gi'en,given, giena,do not give, gies,gives, gie's,gives; give us; give his, gill,tipple; drink, gin,if; as if; then; whether, gird,hoop for a barrel or tub, girn,grimace; snarl; twist the features, glaid,glad, glaidly,gladly, glaiss,glass, gleds,kites; buzzards, gleg,quick; lively; smart; quick-witted, Glendronach,particular brand of whisky, glimmerin',glimmering, gloamin',twilight; dusk, gloggie,insipid; artificial; unnatural, glowered,stared; gazed; scowled, goin',going, goon,gown, goul,howl; yell; whine, gowd,gold, gowk,cuckoo; fool; blockhead, gran',grand; capital; first-rate, grandmither,grandmother, gran'father,grandfather, gran'mither,grandmother, grat,cried; wept, gravestane,gravestone; tombstone; headstone, greet,cry; weep, greetin',crying; weeping, greit,cry; weep, greitin',crying; weeping, greits,cries; weeps, grew,greyhound, grip,grasp; understand,also hold grips,grasps; understands,seizures; colic growin',growing, grun',ground, grup,grip; grasp, grups,grips; grasp, grutten,cried; wept, gude,good,also God gude-bye,goodbye, gude-hertit,good-hearted, gudeness,goodness, guid,good,also God guide,treat; handle; look after; save; keep, Guidsake!,For God's sake!, ha',have,also hall; house haddie,haddock, hadna,had not, hae,have; has,also here ha'e,have,also here haein',having, haena,have not, hae't,have it, haill,whole, hairm,harm, hairps,harps, hairst,harvest, hairst-play,school holidays during harvest, Haith!,Faith!,exclamation of surprise haithen,heathen, haiven,heaven, halesome,wholesome; pure, half-dizzen,half-dozen, half-stervit,half-starved, hame,home, han',hand, han'fu',handful, hangin',hanging, hangt,hanged, hang't,hanged, han'le,handle, han'led,handled; treated, han'let,handled, han's,hands, hantle,much; large quantity; far, hard,heard,also hard hash,mess; muddle, hasna,does not have, haud,hold; keep, hauden,held; kept, haudin',holding; keeping, hauld,hold, haveless,careless (therefore helpless),also wasteful; incompetent haven,heaven, haverin',talking incoherently; babbling, havers,nonsense; foolish talk; babble, hay-sow,long oblong stack of hay,shaped like a sow he that will to Cupar maun to Cupar,a wilful man must have his way, heap,very much,also heap heardna,did not hear, hearin',hearing, hearken,hearken; hear; listen, hearkened,hearkened; heard; listened, hearkenin',hearkening; listening, hearkent,hearkened; heard; listened, Hecklebirnie,Hell, hecklet,cross-questioned; examined, hed,had,also hid heepocreet,hypocrite, heicht,height, heid,head; heading, heids,heads; headings, helpin',helping, helpit,helped, her lane,on her own, hersel',herself, hert,heart, hertily,heartily, herts,hearts, het,hot; burning, hev,have, Hielan',Highland, Hielan'man,Highland man, hillo,,a call to attract attention him lane,on his own, himsel',himself, hinder,hinder; hind; latter, hine,away; afar; to a distance, hing,hang, hingin',hanging, hings,hangs, hinnerance,hinderance, hinney,honey, hintit,hinted, hips,borders of a district, hiz,us,emphatic hizzies,hussies; silly girls, hoo,how, hooever,however, hooly,slowly; cautiously; gently,also 'take your time' hoomble,humble, hoombly,humbly, hoor,hour, hoo's,how is, hoose,house, hooses,houses, hoot,pshaw,exclamation of doubt or contempt Hoot awa!,tuts!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,635 ~ ~ ~
Miss Mary Morris, have you become such an egregious fool that you dare not satisfy the ordinary cravings of human nature, just because an idle, dissipated, bashful blockhead--nonsense!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,837 ~ ~ ~
In the great crowd of blockheads sprinkled with pedants, there is, says Voltaire, "a small group apart called good society, which, rich, educated and polished, forms, you might say, the flower of humanity; it is for this group that the greatest men have labored; it is this group which accords social recognition.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,331 ~ ~ ~
In their midst Galiani, secretary of the Neapolitan Embassy, a clever dwarf; a genius, "a sort of Plato or Machiavelli with the spirit and action of a harlequin," inexhaustible in stories, an admirable buffoon, and an accomplished skeptic, "having no faith in anything, on anything or about anything,"[4206] not even in the new philosophy, braves the atheists of the drawing-room, beats down their dithyrambs with puns, and, with his perruque in his hand, sitting cross-legged on the chair on which he is perched, proves to them in a comic apologia that they raisonnent (reason) or résonnent (resound or echo) if not as cruches (blockheads) at least as cloches (bells);" in any event almost as poorly as theologians.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,737 ~ ~ ~
Nothing like it ever occurred in history; for the first time we see brutes gone mad, operating on a grand scale and for a long time, under the leadership of blockheads who have become insane.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 513 ~ ~ ~
This pert blockhead cannot even spell: he writes aselle for aisselle, etc.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 7,276 ~ ~ ~
A blockhead, with a beery voice, blinking eyes, and a face distorted by nervous twitching, he possesses all the external characteristics of his employment.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 973 ~ ~ ~
In reply to the Bishop of Ghent, who, in the most respectful manner, excuses himself for not taking a second oath that is against his conscience, he rudely turns his back, and says, "Very well, sir, your conscience is a blockhead!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,162 ~ ~ ~
On primary school-teachers, Hérault: "Most are blockheads and vagabonds."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,163 ~ ~ ~
--Pas-de-Calais:" Most are blockheads or ignoramuses."]
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,667 ~ ~ ~
The elder brother smiled when he heard that, and thought to himself: 'Goodness, what a blockhead that brother of mine is!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,252 ~ ~ ~
"Lavwuska!" he shouted loudly and angrily, "take it off, blockhead!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 5,940 ~ ~ ~
She must be shown that the blockhead thinks nothing of her and looks only at Bourienne.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 19,131 ~ ~ ~
And drive faster, blockhead!"
~ ~ ~ Sentence 22,243 ~ ~ ~
"Oh, tell that blockhead," he said in reply to the question from the Registrar's Department, "that he should remain to guard his documents.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 23,865 ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Sentence 12,206 ~ ~ ~
blockhead, brute, triple fool that I am!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 12,206 ~ ~ ~
blockhead, brute, triple fool that I am!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,341 ~ ~ ~
Barbedienne the blockhead!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 10,461 ~ ~ ~
In England, the people were prejudiced against him as a foreigner; his earldom, his garter, his lucrative places, his rapidly growing wealth, excited envy; his dialect was not understood; his manners were not those of the men of fashion who had been formed at Whitehall; his abilities were therefore greatly underrated; and it was the fashion to call him a blockhead, fit only to carry messages.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 648 ~ ~ ~
but how hard to make a man appear a fool, a blockhead, or a knave, without using any of those opprobrious terms!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,525 ~ ~ ~
The young gentlemen themselves are commonly misled by their pedagogue at school, their tutor at the university, or their governor in their travels, and many of these three sorts are the most positive blockheads in the world.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,318 ~ ~ ~
Why, blockhead, are you mad?
~ ~ ~ Sentence 953 ~ ~ ~
Then "fool," "puppy," and "blockhead," were the best words they gave.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,325 ~ ~ ~
One contained these words: "Dear Lewis, thou seest clearly that this blockhead can never bring his matters to bear.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,331 ~ ~ ~
In all these epistles, blockhead, dunce, ass, coxcomb, were the best epithets he gave poor John.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,727 ~ ~ ~
I have now come to the conclusion never again to think of marrying, and for this reason: I can never be satisfied with any one who would be blockhead enough to have me.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 698 ~ ~ ~
The blockhead has been imposed upon, and should have known his company better.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,816 ~ ~ ~
But no disparagement to your parts, I have deceived wiser men than you in my time; and yet, with all my tricks, the blockheads have been too many for me at last.'
~ ~ ~ Sentence 554 ~ ~ ~
When, indeed, the surly, dull blockhead, Major Bruckhausen, had the inspection, everything had to be carefully reinstated.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 606 ~ ~ ~
The town-major, who was a dull man, was persuaded the thing was impossible, and said to the sentinel, "Blockhead!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 619 ~ ~ ~
He was piqued by vanity, to prove he was not the blockhead he had been called; he therefore again laid his ear to the ground, and again heard me burrowing.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 3,107 ~ ~ ~
However much my figure might have resembled that of the Pitan, and, disguised in his armor, might have deceived the lynx-eyed Mahrattas, into whose camp I was about to plunge, it was evident that a single glance at my fair face and auburn beard would have undeceived the dullest blockhead in Holkar's army.
~ ~ ~ Sentence 6,470 ~ ~ ~
"'Scipio Americanus' is a blockhead."
~ ~ ~ Sentence 8,077 ~ ~ ~
Here I am, proud as Greek god, and yet standing debtor to this blockhead for a bone to stand on!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,629 ~ ~ ~
That's your work, blockhead!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 483 ~ ~ ~
I tell you he is the most contemptible blockhead that the universe can furnish!
~ ~ ~ Sentence 1,096 ~ ~ ~
It isn't worth while to be friends with you, blockhead!"
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